The Privacy Act 1988 and subsequent Privacy Amendment Acts set out the rules for the handling of personal information in the private sector. In the interests of providing quality employment and services, Self Help Workplace complies with all privacy legislation.
Self Help Workplace regards all employee, staff and stakeholder information as confidential and information is handled in accordance with privacy legislation and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles.
It is necessary for us to collect personal information from staff and employees for administrative purposes and sometimes for employees’ care. Our records contain types of information such as name, address and date of birth.
Every effort will be made to discuss these matters with the staff or employee when personal information is collected. Because there will be occasions when it is not practical to make employees and staff aware of these matters at the time of collection, this policy is designed to outline how Self Help Workplace protects the privacy of employee and staff personal information.
Use and Disclosure
Personal information is used or disclosed for purposes directly related to employment and training and in ways that is consistent with employees and staff’s expectations. In the interests of the highest quality and continuity of employment this may include sharing information with staff, carers and relatives. In addition, there are circumstances when information has to be disclosed without employee or staff consent, such as:
- • Emergency situations
• Remedying of serious improper conduct
In general, an employee’s information will not be used for any other purpose without their consent.
Data Quality
All employee and staff information held by Self help Workplace relevant to the functions of providing employment and training will be maintained in a form that is accurate, complete and up to date.
Data Security
The storage, use and where necessary, transfer of personal information will be undertaken in a secure manner that protects employee and staff privacy. Self Help Workplace has systems in place to ensure that data is protected from misuse and unauthorised access. We have procedures of securely destroying any data that is no longer required. If it is necessary to keep personal information after an employee or staff member has left Self Help Workplace, it will be for as long as is required by law or as required by our Government contract(s).
Data Breach
In the event that our security is compromised and personal information may have been accessed by unauthorised parties, Self Help Workplace will take all necessary steps to comply with the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017.
Self Help Workplace has made material available to employees and staff to inform them of policies on management of personal information. On request Self Help Workplace will let employees and staff know, generally, what sort of personal information we hold, for what purposes, and how we collect, hold, use and disclose that information.
Access and Correction
Employees and staff may request access to their personal information held by Self Help Workplace.
• Where necessary, employees and staff will be given the opportunity to amend any personal information held that is incorrect.
• There are some circumstances in which access is restricted, and in these cases reasons for denying access will be explained.
The following procedure has been developed to ensure that all requests for access are dealt with as fairly and efficiently as possible:
- • All requests for access are required to be in writing and addressed to the attention of the General Manager.
• Requests for access will be acknowledged, in writing, within 14 days of receipt of the request.
• The total time between the receipt of a request for access and the time when access is granted shall not, ordinarily, exceed 30 days. Where it is not possible for access to be granted within 30 days, you will be notified in writing of this and advised when access will be granted.
• Where access is refused to your file you will be advised in writing of the reasons for refusal, and the General Manager will contact you to discuss whether there are any means by which access may be facilitated.
• You will not be permitted to remove any of the contents of your file from Self Help Workplace, nor will you be permitted to alter or erase information contained in the record unless this information is incorrect.
• Where practicable, the General Manager or a Divisional Manager will be present when access is granted to your file so that he or she may go through the contents of your file, and address any concerns that you may have in relations to the information contained within the file
• Generally, employees and staff will be required to collect their records in person. However, in some circumstances employees or staff may request that records are provided to another person. This provision will generally, only apply where the employee or staff member is unable, due to illness or incapacity, to attend in person.
• If you are collecting a copy of your records or are authorised to collect the record for another person, you may be required to provide identification.
These are the numbers, letters or symbols that are used to identify employees or staff with or without the use of a name (eg. Centrelink reference numbers). We will limit the use of identifiers assigned to employees and staff by “Commonwealth Government agencies” to those uses necessary to fulfil our obligations to those agencies.
Third Party Information
Self Help Workplace services from time to time include access to personal information from third parties including mailing databases, financial documentation and other personal and private data. Self Help Workplace staff and employees will take every step to ensure this information is kept private and secure and will not divulge any sensitive or confidential information.
Employees and staff should feel free to discuss any concerns, questions or complaints about any issues related to the privacy of their personal information with their Supervisor or the General Manager.
Customer Feedback
If an employee or staff is dissatisfied with any aspect of Self Help Workplace handling of their personal information, we welcome your feedback. All feedback is forwarded to the General Manager and a written response can be expected within 14 days. If an employee or staff member still remains dissatisfied, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner handles complaints relating to the Privacy Act.
Policy Breaches
Employees and staff should be aware that any breaches of this privacy policy may result in disciplinary action. Serious offences may be referred to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner for further investigation that may result in legal action being taken against the organisation and/or the individual.
Further Information
Further information about an individual’s privacy rights can be obtained from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at:
- GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001 OR GPO Box 2999 Canberra ACT 2601
1300 363 992